Welcome to the blog for our round the world trip.

31 March 2007

T minus 10 days (and we are now homeless)

D day is approaching fast. We are now both unemployed (as of yesterday); homeless (as of today); and very significatly poorer than we were three months ago. But we do have the van of dreams; a set of Michelin Agilis 81 beefy tyres; and visas for Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Russia and Pakistan. So that's OK then.

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. Michael is celebrating in traditional style by doing yet another bike race. We then have a week or so until we leave London, during which time we have to finalise various bits of paperwork, pack the van and say farewell to everyone. With only 10 days to go, it is suddenly all starting to feel a bit more real.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wassup Mr B and Mrs B! Cool site! Have fun on your round the world thing.. Wahooo

9:56 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've come to trash your site! Mwahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahha
nah really you have an AMAZING life. I wish I could be like you, go places, ride a bike...and er.. go places. Still, I can't believe you ABANDONED us though! In the middle of a school year as well..

But anyway you're a fantastic maths teacher who has done the impossible... you made maths fun.
A lot of maths teachers have never even heard of the word 'fun' in their lives before...I'm not giving any names. Lol.

You're one of the teachers i will never forget and i hope you and mrs B have a great journey together.


10:11 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck mr(&mrs)B...im impressed with your website and will be sure to keep track of your route!!you have been an incredible teacher and made world challenge just that bit more fantastic!!...only a few days left now so i hope you are ready!!!thank you for all your help and jokes (i use the word joke v.loosely!!!haha)...oh and i just ordered that book 'the god delusion'...i'll let you know how it goes!!!have fun, good luck and take care!!!-x-

5:27 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck mr b!!!!!! you are the most amazing teacher ever !!! and the best !! ... wggs will miss you loads and it wont be the same ! good luck round the world please please please come back to visit us and do a little assembly on your trip !! .... using thinkin hat skils of course !.. take care! lots of loveeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxx

6:50 pm


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